1 year old male


One-year-old Bizkit, aka Bizzy to his foster family, balances an active and playful demeanor with strong power napping skills. He can be a bit shy in new situations, but becomes his true outgoing and fun self once he is comfortable. In his free time, Bizkit enjoys sunbathing in the yard, playing with other dogs, going for walks, getting the zoomies, chewing on stuffed toys, and going on family outings in the car. In his more restful moments, Bizkit enjoys quietly sitting next to the toddler in his foster family while they read and play, leaning in for a pet or a kiss from his people, or plopping down for a snooze. His foster mom describes his coat as soft and velvety, and says that he is the rare pug that doesn’t shed much! Bizkit is making excellent progress on his housetraining and doggie door training, is crate trained, and is a polite eater. His ideal forever family will have a yard (which is Bizkit’s favorite place!), have lots of time to spend with him, and include him in family outings wherever possible. Because he adapts well to his surroundings and is highly social, he would be fine in a family that has kids, other dogs, and cats. If Bizkit sounds like your perfect forever companion, apply for him today!

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Miss Liberty

