3 year old male


With his lush, reddish-blonde coat and playful, affectionate disposition, three-year-old Boo Boo is turning heads and melting hearts. Boo Boo is a sporty gentleman who loves playing with other dogs, running, climbing, wrestling, scaling the furniture, and losing his mind when his foster mom brings out his leash for a walk. After all that exercise, he refuels by wolfing down his own food and scavenging for leftovers from other dogs’ bowls. He also recharges by snoozing solo in cozy nooks or curled up next to people or other pups. Boo Boo is housetrained, crate trained, and able to perform light security duties (by helpfully barking at passersby outside). His ideal forever family will live an active lifestyle, ensure he gets plenty of exercise, and include at least one other playful canine companion. If Boo Boo sounds like your perfect adventure buddy, apply for him today!

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Miss Liberty