6 year old female


Despite her exotic “panda pug” appearance, six-year-old Marlee is your typical down-to-Earth pug girl! She has a playful, spirited, expressive, and affectionate demeanor and gets along well with every person, dog, and cat she meets – unless snacks are involved, in which case she gets a little competitive with other pets. Marlee’s interests include snuggling in bed with her people, receiving belly rubs, playing with other dogs, going for walks, chewing on stuffed toys, and snarfing down bowls of food. Because she craves affection and time with her pack, Marlee’s ideal forever family will be able to shower her with attention and minimize alone time. According to Marlee’s foster dad, she is a “rare gem and whoever is lucky enough to adopt this little girl will be blessed with an amazing companion for many years.” We couldn’t have said it better! Apply for Marlee today.

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Mister and Missus

