1 year old male


One-year-old McGee makes a great play buddy AND a perfect work-from-home companion! He enjoys going for walks and having playtime after eating (fetch is a favorite activity), but also settles down nicely when his humans are in their home office. McGee enjoys social time and is friendly with people and other dogs, though he does engage in play biting when excited (and therefore may not be a good match for a family with young children). He is housetrained and crate trained, and he has a relaxed attitude toward food, preferring to graze passively rather than gulping down his meal in one sitting. His ideal forever family will ensure that he gets plenty of exercise, give his manners a bit of polish, provide him with cuddles and companionship, and have a sizeable toy stash (he is obsessed with toys!). We think he would love to have a playful pup in the family as well! If McGee sounds like your perfect McGuy, apply for him today.

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