Sweetie Pie

9 month old female


Nine-month-old Sweetie Pie is a friendly girl who lives up to her name. She was shy and reserved when she arrived at her foster home, but has warmed up thanks to her foster family’s love, encouragement, and toy selection. She loves chasing her foster pug brother around the house, following him around the yard, and learning from him. Sweetie Pie’s other favorite things include looking out the window and providing “security” for her foster family, chewing on stuffed toys, going for walks, and napping after her play sessions. She is housetrained and sleeps through the night in her crate. Sweetie Pie’s ideal forever family will continue to build her confidence, gently expose her to new experiences, and provide her with plenty of exercise — preferably in the form of another friendly, playful dog sibling! If you’d like to adopt a girl who is as sweet as pie, apply for Sweetie Pie

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